Our Treatments
Our Treatments
Pine Lake Flooding Resolved
The Association worked closely with the Mayor’s office from 1993 to 1998 to help resolve the flooding of Pine, Stone and Lily lakes. Members raised over $100,000 towards the effort and attended countless meetings locally as well as down state, to ensure the work on the permanent pump continued in a timely manner. The “Permanent Solution” project was completed in the fall of 1998.

Weed Control
Our current mission is weed control. Exotic invasive weeds have taken over our lakes causing problems for fishing, boating and swimming. Seaweed continually washes ashore, clogs engines of personal watercraft and becomes tangled in boat props, hindering swimming in certain areas of the lakes. We have been working with local weed control agencies and park representatives on a long-term program to reduce and control these weeds to return the lakes to a more natural state.
Walleye Stocking
While the vast majority of Indiana lakes and streams have self-sustaining fish populations stocking remains an important management tool for some waters. The La Porte Lake Association works with the DNR to stock young walleye each year to better the health of Pine and Stone lake and to make fishing more attractive throughout La Porte, Indiana. We are able to improve the walleye population through local businesses, members and private donations.
- Total Walleye – 2,776
- Lake Association Cost – $6,476.00
- Private Donation – $1,436.00
- Total – $7,912.00

Pine Lake Flooding
The Association worked closely with the Mayor’s office from 1993 to 1998 to help resolve the flooding of Pine, Stone and Lily Lakes. Members raised over $100,000 towards the effort and attended countless of meetings, locally as well as down state, to ensure the work on the permanent pump continued in a timely manner. The “Permanent Solution project was completed in the fall of 1998.

Weed Control
Our current mission is weed control. Exotic, invasive weeds have taken over our lakes causing problems for fishing, boating and swimming. Seaweed continually washes ashore, clogs engines of personal watercraft, becomes tangled in boat props and almost hinders swimming in certain areas of the lakes, We have been working with local weed control agencies and park representatives on a long-term program to reduce and control these weeds and return the lakes to a more natural state.
Walleye Stocking
While the vast majority of Indiana lakes and streams have self-sustaining fish populations, stocking remains an important management tool for some waters. The La Porte lake Association works with the DNR to stock young walleye each year to better the health of Pine & Stone lake and to make fishing more attractive throughout La Porte, Indiana. We are able to improve the walleye population through local and member donations.